مناقصه تامین تجهیزات پزشکی و غیر پزشکی برای مراقبت های »پس از ابولا» در 5 لات، بانک توسعه اسلامی، گینه

تاریخ انتشار: 2021-05-04 21:03:32


کشور زبان مناقصه ضرب الاجل هزینه اسناد ضمانتنامه فراخوان
گینه فرانسه 2021-05-28 5000000 فرانک گینه داخل اسناد لینک دانلود


Lot N ° 1: Supply, installation and commissioning of medico-technical equipment for two (2) Improved Health Centers, five (5) Prefectural Hospitals, 15 SONUC kits for 15 HP / CMC, 1 CNTS & 4 CRTS.


Lot N ° 2: Supply, installation and commissioning of non-medical furniture


Lot N ° 3: Supply, installation and commissioning of technical medical equipment dedicated to emergency services Health structures


Lot N ° 4 - Supply, installation and commissioning of SONUB equipment for 174 Health Centers


Lot N ° 5 - Supply, installation and commissioning of computer and reprography equipment.